Neurofeedback FAQ's
Why We Plateau and How We Get Stuck...
Better Understanding the Brain

The brain is capable of optimal functioning, but for most of us our central nervous system gets knocked off and even stuck from the challenges of daily life.
Our experiences in life impact how our brain functions. The brain’s way of functioning that might have brought us comfort and helped us navigate what was going on at a prior point in time, might not be what is peak performance for us now.
We lose our ability to be flexible, resilient, and adaptable.
Imagine how great you could feel if your brain could operate at its full potential.
This is what NeurOptimal Neurofeedback can accomplish!
Experiencing improved clarity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of calm, regardless of what you have experienced in the past or are going through recently, is possible.
Benefits of Neurofeedback
- Tap into full potential
- Promote Healthy Sleep Habits
- Increase resilience
- Help improve mental focus and memory
- Deepen self-awareness and empathy
- Unleash Creativity
- Enhance Learning Capacity

Neurofeedback brain training has a long history beginning in the 1960’s. Neurofeedback uses technology to improve regulation of the brains’ electrical energy. By improving the brain’s regulation we see increases in overall brain performance. This training modality is backed by a tremendous amount of research indicating its efficacy in addressing issues related to anxiety, ADHD, anger management, post concussive symptoms, sleep challenges, migraines and many other brain based challenges. Peak performance athletes use neurofeedback to enhance focus and the ability to “stay in the zone”. Neurofeedback brain training can greatly enhance your well-being and generally help you get the most out of life.
Brain training with Neurofeedback can unlock untapped cognitive potential and help you achieve long-held goals and dreams as you attain the balance and calm you have been seeking.
For many people, Neurofeedback seems like brand-new technology when in reality, it has been around for 50 years. Recent advances in this technology have made it more accessible and more affordable for almost everyone.
Yes, NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive, and FDA-approved wellness device, that utilizes the brain’s natural ability to optimize itself. Unlike linear neurofeedback systems that seek specific outcomes and push the brain to conform to average standards, NeurOptimal® uses interruptions in music to prompt the brain to observe itself and adjust itself in a way that best suits the individual.
With NeurOptimal®, there is no need for a doctor’s permission and it is considered a general wellness tool rather than a medical device. It empowers the brain to improve performance in a natural way and enhance mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
We are happy to report that our NeurOptimal® proprietary neurofeedback system is brain training software that provides your brain assistance in utilizing its best neural resources. By unlocking or “interrupting” some of the negative cycles and patterns of electrical activity in the brain, you open up your mind and life to a whole new world of opportunity for growth and progress.
Trainers around the world have shown NeurOptimal® to be 100% safe and report higher efficacy levels* than those claimed for many medications. – Zengar® Institute Survey of Trainers Dec 2008, 2013
Before your first NeurOptimal® Session, you will fill out a brief questionnaire describing how you feel and what you wish to achieve.
For your Session, you will either be seated or lying down. Sensors are placed on the scalp and ears that read electrical activity from your brain. Nothing goes back to your brain through the sensors. You are given earbuds to listen to peaceful, relaxing nature music during the brain training Session.
The music is the platform for the feedback. You will hear occasional “skips” or “interruptions” in the music; this is the signal that prompts your brain to observe what it has just done and the brain will then decide if it wants to make any changes to self-regulate or optimize.
Each Session is relaxing, peaceful and typically lasts about 45 minutes (the actual music plays for 33 minutes).
At the end of a Session, you will most likely feel less stressed, more relaxed and more mentally clear. Clients often report feeling “lighter.” It is highly unlikely you will experience any negative after-effects as NeurOptimal® does not artificially “push” the brain in any specific direction. Many users experience deeper sleep and enhanced energy. It’s that easy and completely safe!
Ahhh…you get to relax. You don’t have a job to do. You can have eyes open, eyes closed. If you get relaxed enough to fall asleep, which many people do, we highly recommend taking the opportunity to do so. Many clients call it a “nap with a purpose.”
Ultimately, your brain in its infinite intelligence is helping you break through to your peak function through the interrupts in the sound.
Your brain is doing the work in the session, observing itself so it can re-orient itself to help you be at your best.
Oftentimes clients will spend their time during the session reading or working on homework, or even working on a computer.
NeurOptimal® is a brain training program that helps the brain observe itself in real-time through interrupts in the sound. These interruptions occur when the program detects that the brain’s electrical activity is about to make a change. The interruptions serve as a cue for the brain to observe the change that just happened and decide if it wants to make a change based off of that change
For example, when trying to balance on a surfboard, the brain recognizes the sensation of instability as discomfort and automatically works to reorient and self-regulate to help the individual stay on the board. Similarly, NeurOptimal® prompts the brain to observe the change, and decide if it wants to make a change to reorient or self-regulate.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is unique among other neurofeedback systems because of its ability to work with the individual brain’s natural function. The Dynamical® Neurofeedback® technology is proprietary and based in neuroscience, specifically designed to harness the brain’s non-linear nature. This allows for a wide range of goals to be addressed without being limited.
Additionally, NeurOptimal® is safe and effective, as it provides the brain with the information it needs to improve itself without forcing or pushing it in any specific direction.
Unlike other brain training systems, NeurOptimal® is not creating side effects because it is not trying to force the brain to any setpoint. This allows for a relaxed and enjoyable experience.
Everyone is different, but most experience some of the benefits in just a few sessions. The best approach is to focus on self-assessment rather than a certain number of sessions or how a graph looks. Using the self-assessment tools are highly recommended for powerful feedback about progress. Based on observation and feedback from clients, desired results are often experienced around 20-40 sessions. Neurofeedback is a process not an event. It is a cumulative process. Many implement it as a lifelong wellness tool just like exercise, a healthy diet, or talk therapy.
Neurofeedback brain training has a long history beginning in the 1960’s. Neurofeedback uses technology to improve regulation of the brains’ electrical energy. By improving the brain’s regulation we see increases in overall brain performance. This training modality is backed by a tremendous amount of research indicating its efficacy in addressing issues related to anxiety, ADHD, anger management, post concussive symptoms, sleep challenges, migraines and many other brain based challenges. Peak performance athletes use neurofeedback to enhance focus and the ability to “stay in the zone”. Neurofeedback brain training can greatly enhance your well-being and generally help you get the most out of life.
Brain training with Neurofeedback can unlock untapped cognitive potential and help you achieve long-held goals and dreams as you attain the balance and calm you have been seeking.
For many people, Neurofeedback seems like brand-new technology when in reality, it has been around for 50 years. Recent advances in this technology have made it more accessible and more affordable for almost everyone.
Yes, neurofeedback training is completely non-intrusive and safe and has been used clinically for over 30 years. Neurofeedback brain training uses your brain’s own resources – nothing is imposed and there is no artificial stimulation. Neurofeedback relies on your Central Nervous System’s (CNS) inherent intelligence to make changes where it feels it needs to. It is not directing your brain in any way, just providing it with more real-time information, similar to when we look in a mirror and assess ourselves visually. We do not always have a mirror with us, but when we use a mirror, we are able to view ourselves from a fresh perspective and may make changes based on what we see. We make adjustments based on what we learn about ourselves by looking in a mirror. Neurofeedback acts like a mirror for the brain, and your CNS makes changes based on what it has learned from this new information.
The scientific understanding of the way the brain works has been changing rapidly. Just a few decades ago, electrical patterns in the brain were believed to be unimportant and unchangeable. Neurofeedback brain training was originally dismissed as ‘scientifically impossible’. We now know that long held beliefs about the brain were completely incorrect. Neuroscience has advanced quickly and the medical community can be slow to integrate new approaches based on the rapidly evolving information. Medical doctors are not trained in this area as part of their education. They are trained in pharmaceuticals as the means by which to address many health concerns.
Change is coming from a fundamental shift in philosophy, approach, and through consumer demand for non-invasive, drug-free solutions. Slowly, but steadily, more and more individuals are taking advantage of this simple, safe, and non-invasive option towards improved mental fitness.
Neurofeedback brain training can be best described as a personal trainer for your brain. By giving information to the brain about what it’s doing millisecond by millisecond, it is able to self-adjust and make changes to increase its own efficiency.
The process involves sensors being placed on the scalp and ears. These are passive instruments. The computer software then records and analyzes the brain activity being picked up by the sensors, and provides instantaneous auditory and visual feedback to the brain allowing it to self adjust and optimize to the moment.
Neurofeedback brain training can be thought of as meditation at 10 times the power without all the effort. Neurofeedback invites the brain to let go of persistent patterns by leveraging your central nervous system’s inherent intelligence to self-correct and restore itself.
Everyone is different and everyone’s sensitivity to neurofeedback brain training is different. Some notice results from as few as two to three sessions. More stubborn challenges generally take more sessions. The goal is to improve regulation in the brain and improve the brain’s fitness in terms of resilience and flexibility. As improvements in these areas occur, symptoms start to fall away. For some this may be within 10 sessions, while others may require 20-30 sessions before they feel they have reached their goals.
Although training can facilitate astounding changes, it is only one aspect of our lives and other factors can help or constrain the speed and degree of changes. These include some severe or undiagnosed medical conditions, some medications, hormonal, sleep, hydration, nutrition imbalances, or unsafe living circumstances. We will discuss proven strategies to mitigate, improve or lessen these factors as we work together.
Neurofeedback training does not ‘fix’ any problems. This is not a medical device or treatment. It’s training the brain towards improved fitness.
Neurofeedback is direct training for the brain which enhances its ability to be more resilient and flexible. Resilience is an important aspect of brain performance as it improves one’s ability to bounce back from the ups and downs of life. Improved flexibility increases the brain’s capacity to handle stress in an appropriate fashion and not get stuck in a particular state. We do not want something stressful at the start of our day to put us in a bad mood for the rest of the day.
Individuals with a variety of challenges, such as ADHD and anxiety, report improved emotional regulation, self-organization, higher degrees of self-control, and increased clarity. This may manifest most visibly as improvements in tolerating stress in a variety of forms.
According to a survey of neurofeedback practitioners from around the world, the most common client improvements seen in order are:
- Attention/Focus
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Depression
- Trauma • PTSD
- Headaches • Migraines
- Chronic Pain • Fibromyalgia • General Well-Being • Burnout
- Autism • Anger • Irritability & Aggression
- Addiction • Eating Disorders
- Mood Swings • PMS • Menopause
- Peak performance • Confidence • OCD
- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Epilepsy • Bi-polar • Asperger’s • Panic attacks
- Gastrointestinal problems (Celiac, Constipation)
- Phobias • Behavioral Issues (Tantrums, Melt downs)
- Memory • Resiliency
- Dyslexia • Tourette’s • Chemo Brain
- Asthma
- Meditative Arts • Performing Arts
- Specific Noise Disturbance
- Parkinson’s
- Sleep
Remember these are the most common changes noticed, some may be lower because they are less common.
Just like when cleaning out the garage, depending on the circumstance, things may get messier before they get more orderly. Most clients report zero side-effects. Many will feel feel tired after a session, a small percentage note a slight increase of prior symptoms, light headaches, overly relaxed, or possibly more sensitive to drugs (medication). This is short lived and usually resolves itself with the first 3-5 sessions.
Just be aware that it is 100% safe for all ages to use.
When you are training, no electricity, vibration or external signal is going into the brain. The sensors are passive instruments which are simply monitoring electrical activity.
Typically, the more serious the concerns, the more sessions may be desired on the part of the individual. The process involves learning, and every person is unique, therefore, the pace of change is also unique. Gains are cumulative – they build over the course of the individual’s sessions.
While some people may reach their personal goals within 10-20 sessions, others may seek 30-40, before all of their desired results are achieved.
Personal Wellness:
Mental and Emotional Fitness - Physical Health
Clients report struggles with poor habits, procrastination, disorganization, nightmares, sleep challenges, impulsivity, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, and obsessive behaviors, to name a few, are either greatly reduced or disappear.
Peak Performance:
Business Professionals
Athletes - Students
Imagine tapping into your A-game on a regular basis. No more feeling fearful after that injury. Imagine getting restful, restorative sleep and being able to remain focused, energized, and experiencing mind-blowing, mind-body connection where as quick as you can think it, your body can do it! That is the state that NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® can assist you with experiencing.
All Life Stages:
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® can assist children, youth, and adults alike with increased focus, clarity, energy, patience, concentration, and self-confidence.
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is the most powerful supplement you can add to your self-care and lifestyle regimen.
You Don't Have to Settle for Less Than Your Best
Feeling Stressed, Anxious or Down?
NeurOptimal® can help reduce stress and anxiety by improving the brain’s ability to self-regulate, which can lead to a more calm and relaxed state of mind.
NeurOptimal® can also help alleviate symptoms of feeling down by improving mood, increasing energy levels, and promoting overall well-being.